Thursday, 29 October 2009

A Scottish Halloween

Here we are in week 5 and I feel as though I just left home. This place has become a small community of tight knit people that are becoming more comfortable with each other every day. I absolutely love it. The problem with this reality is it has become extremely hard to manage my time wisely. I find as I become closer to these people the social opportunities/events are more present and pull me away from my studies. We had a Europe vs. The rest of the World futbol match yesterday that was actually organized by the guest speaker, Graham Sanford, who is here this week to talk about the book of Acts. It was great to see Graham, a 72-year old man, out there with many of the students (not I of course) and keeping up. I say 'keeping up' because he scored a goal in the second half! He was an inspiration for me as I would love to be playing hockey at age 72.

I have gotten off the grounds of Capernwray twice this week and it has been so cool. The first outing was to my principals house for dinner and a movie. It was only a select few of us and by select I simply mean you had to be one of the first 15 to sign-up to go. Rob (our principal) lives in such a quaint but really cool house in Preston. He is such an advocate of Apple as evident by his 23" LCD Apple monitor which was great to see. As I was snooping he showed me this program he just got that allows you to tune in to your television from anywhere in the world! Pretty sweet how technology is advancing. Michael and I cherish the talks by Rob because he is truly gifted with the ability to teach. I could talk about Rob forever but I will regress.

My second trip out was to Lancaster for PIZZA HUT!! It was amazing to have something American based. I had the all-you-can-eat pizza buffet and ate my fair share. The pepperoni still tasted different but not enough to stop me.

This weekend is our Travel Weekend and our destination in Edinburgh, Scotland. I am really excited to go because the last time I was living in this country studying abroad in London I went to Glasgow and wasn't too impressed but was informed when we returned that Edinburgh was the city to go see. We are going with about 100 of the students here and some of us are staying in a hostel. I will take plenty of pictures and who knows I may swing the sticks and play 18 at St. Andrews. You only live once.

We will be having an entire day of prayer next Thursday and in an effort to clear our minds of the day-to-day grind and raucous that fills our minds each day with iPods, television, internet, etc. the whole school will be observing an electronic fast. I am actually really excited because I think we all are too dependent on such devices for distracting us from dealing with many of the personal issues we have. I know some kids will find it harder than others but because of this I will not be responding to e-mails or Skyping anyone from Tuesday thru Friday of next week (11/3-11/6).

And as I have two minutes left before the internet cuts I will simply say: Have a Happy and fun Halloween!!

Here we go Edinburgh!

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

A Typical Day at Capernwray

Many of you have been inquiring as to what a 'typical' day looks like here so I will briefly fill you in on how my time is spent. I am pleasantly woken up each morning initially by James who seems to enjoy getting up before the sun rises and then again by the worst sound ever...velcro. Josh, the kid who sleep below me, has Velcro shoes (what are we an 5 year old lad living in the 80s??) that he has to put on each morning. And it's not as though he has to tear just one strap from each shoe, no he paid the extra $1 to get 3 straps for each shoe to ensure a snug fit for his foot. So after hearing that noise 6 times, he then pushes my body twice and yells my name. It may seem harsh, but I am not the lightest of sleepers. I then roll into the dining hall at 7:40Am to enjoy a large bowl of Rice Krispies with mounds of sugar because all the other US kids have taken the highly favored Frosted Flakes. I then teach the German cook ladies a new American slang word that they then try to use on me whenever I see them later that day before heading to my daily duty. For the last month I have had the privilege of cleaning the pool deck. The job is now that bad but is rather time consuming as there is a five step process to cleaning a pool deck, who would have thought right? Just as any other pool, it is very humid in there so an idea of wearing long sleeves or pants are quickly dismissed. I end up finishing that duty at 8:45AM and must now run back to my room to quickly jump into the shower because class starts at 8:55AM and literally pray that there is hot water left. The best part is, if there is no hot water left you don't just take a cold shower, the water literally stops coming out of the spout and wherever you are at in the bathing process is where you stop. It's lovely. Anyhow, we then have lecture from 9AM-1PM Monday-Thursday with three 10-min breaks and a 20-min coffee break because the Brits can only go so long without their beloved tea and coffee.

Lunch, which is actually called lunch here, is the big meal of the day so if you don't like what is served for lunch that's tough you better eat up.

Free time is then from about 1:30-5:45. On Mon, Wed, Fri there is a free minibus that goes into the local town in which we can go to the local market and get some fruit, drinks, and snacks to store in our rooms when the evening meal just doesn't hold you over till breakfast the next morning. There is a futbol pitch (soccer field) to play on, a beautiful croquet lawn, awesome life sized chess board, a swimming pool, basketball gym, workout room, table tennis room, pool table, and many other rooms in the castle to hang out in.

Tea is then at 5:45 and this meal I consider more of a hors-devours as lunch meat and fruit doesn't fill my stomach.

Evening class then starts at 7PM so I usually go into the designated 'Quiet Room' to do my daily bible reading and journal about the day.

Class is then from 7-9PM after which we have until 10:30PM to do what we like. Often times there will be a futbol match in which our school team is playing in or a cricket game may be going on in the gym that we will watch the local teams come in and play our school team.

Lock-up is at 10:30PM and for most of the guys this is when the real fun begins. There are more stupid antics and true male bonding that goes on through the early hours of the morning. I live in a room with 5 other guys and seeing as how we are a bit older we try to go to bed earlier. Unfortunately, we are often times woken up by the immature idiots, for lack of a better name, who storm down with usually very littler clothing on and screaming for who knows what reason.

Fridays are a bit different. Everyone is divided into either team A or B and if you are on Team A then you all are in the lecture hall for 4 hours beginning at 9AM and if you are on Team B then you are on work duty for 4 hours. The next week Team A and B will then switch. The girls on duty are in charge on cleaning the castle rooms and all and the guys are out in the fields or on the farm or in the pool. I, of course, was placed in the pool yet again so not only do I get to do the same duty I do every other day, but also a couple other fascinating jobs like cleaning the grout of a good 1000 tiles. The guy in charge of the pool, Rich, had us first start by trying to get the stains off the floor of the changing rooms with a brush and soapy water and after 10 mins I asked him how long the stains had been there and he said for as long as he has known. It was at that point that I let the stain stay.

Saturdays are free days. There is a trip planned each Saturday that ranges from going to the Lake District and walking through the myriad of lakes to going to Liverpool and watching a futbol match. We do get to sleep in until brunch at 11AM these days which everyone looks forward to beginning about Monday of each week.

Sundays consist of two church services, one in the morning and one in the evening. The rest of the day is pretty open to doing laundry, working on homework, reading, or doing whatever you like.

So much for being brief.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

What Breaks Operation R.A.K

In an effort to bring the student body closer together and to simply lead by example, Josh, Isaac and myself have begun Operation Random Acts of Kindness (aka R.A.K.). For those of you who weren't tripped up by all the acronyming (new word) that just went on and are still reading we basically seek to make the lives of our fellow students easier. Our first operation took place in no other place than the dining hall. We had the idea that after lunch and tea (dinner) we would take everyone's dishes and place them on the cart to be cleaned. So as students finished we would grab all the cutlery, plates, and bowls from their hands and do them a favor of emptying the excess food from the plates into the rubbish bin and placing all the dishes on the cart. We of course had to make it fun so the entire time we are yelling at each other to make sure that we attend to every student before they get to the rubbish bin. The task becomes much more difficult to accomplish when more students finish eating, but at the same time so much more fun because the yelling and frantic cleaning of plates and placing on carts gets more intense. Well, everything came to a crashing halt, literally, a couple of nights ago when a casserole dish fell off the cleaning cart onto the tile floor below. The dish broke into so many pieces, as did Operation R.A.K. But what I found so interesting was how determined some people were to take their own dishes and not allow us to do it for them. We hear so often that holding a door open for a lady or complimenting someone on their dress goes a long way, but when you want to take someone's plate from a meal you are simply depriving them of their constitutional rights. Needless to say, Operation R.A.K. will be M.I.A. until we can better orchestrate a sure fire plan.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Miso Happy

After receiving much heat from most of you for failing to post more often, I have found a second to provide a brief update. First off, school is extremely time consuming right now and I find myself spending the limited free time I have reading or completing assignments we have been given.

I did want to comment on the International Cafe outreach that I am involved in. I absolutely love it! The students from Lancaster University that come each week are primarily from China, Japan, or Korea but I have spoken with some students from the Ukraine, Pakistan, Germany, and Thailand. I find it so fascinating to listen to these students talk about everything from US politics to their native foods. I often times have a very different perspective on the topics we are discussing but after learning about their culture and their individual upbringing I gain a better understanding as to why they have the view they have. It may just be my psychological interests that become applicable in these situations, and if so maybe God is beginning to show me a direction in life.

Michael and I went to Liverpool with much of the student body here yesterday. The trip was great because it allowed us to get off the grounds of Capernwray and experience a bigger city. We found a lovely pub during our adventures and we enjoyed amazing burgers. Now that I think about it, they may not have been that amazing but our taste buds have become so dead from the everyday food on campus that they tasted nothing short of mouth watering elation.

I saw the coolest rainbow last Sunday after church as I was sitting in the library reading. Luckily I had my camera on me and I ran outside the front door of the castle and took several pictures. I was the only person for a couple minutes out there just looking over the landscape and seeing this rainbow stretch over the terrain and as I was standing there I decided I should probably go get Michael. By the time I found him and got back there it was gone! He was so mad but I have pictures to show for ALL. The only issue is when I will post them right?

I have partnered with Josh, one of the guys that lives in my door room, to be in charge of the pigeon holes (mailboxes) for an hour each day. We basically distribute and receive mail that students have left or want to leave for each other as well as incoming mail from family. Seeing as how I can see who has received mail, I have observed that I have received VERY little from anyone back home....I do believe I provided my address but I don't think it was for personal satisfaction that I can accurately record it. I imagine most people have sent things via turtle-dove and given the depressing weather we have had intermittently the bird could have been blown off course or simply died. Please simply send another bird.

It's time for tea.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Hunger is the Best Spice

As I begin to settle in to my new surroundings I feel as though the days are flying by. I have kept up with most of you via e-mail and it seems that we all feel like time is just passing by. As the days get colder here I begin to realize how little time I have left to enjoy my outer surroundings. I remember when I was in Colorado and visitors would talk about the mountains and how awesome they were to just look at and I had to tell them I never really looked. We grow accustomed to our surroundings so quickly that I think we fail to notice the beauty that surrounds us. I have to say that I have already begun to feel it is normal to walk out of my corridor of the castle into an immense courtyard with the coolest clock tower and pass the green rolling hills littered with grazing sheep all as I head to breakfast at the beloved hour of 7:30-am! If there is one thing I have learned, there is in fact two 7:30's in a day.

The students here are truly a blessing. I feel extremely comfortable around so many people, despite not knowing more than 2 dozen names. It is embarrassing when I pass people and they know my name and all I can say is a great big HEY! My claim to fame so far has been in the dining hall. I love food and I like to eat often, but here it seems as though food is a scarcity. We sit at tables of 8 people and the food comes out buffet style for each table. Well, the Brits portions are nothing shy of pathetic and I have to take matters into my own hands and conduct proper table dining. I make sure to prompt the table-members beforehand to portion out each of the dishes we get as fast as they can so that we can go up to the seconds area and get more. And even that hasn't been enough often times, so I have had to make the appropriate amendments. I am known for going around to other tables and asking others, ever so politely, if I could have the food they haven't touched. During the first week I made my rounds for food I began to realize that the tables I was receiving the most food from was the girls tables, so given that I don't want to starve I have begun to eat at tables where all girls sit. It works out perfectly! I was warned before I came that the food here would be bland and that was an understatement. I don't really notice the tastelessness now because I am a firm believer that hunger is the best spice.

I find it ironic, or maybe just God getting back at me for knocking the food so much, that I am in a family group led by the cook! Her name is Ellen and she is the sweetest little lady, but think about how much better things would taste if a bit of her rubbed off in the dum tsh!

I will be going on my first outreach tomorrow with a small group of students here. We are going to Lancaster University and mingling with students in a local cafe in hopes of building relationships with them. I am excited but real nervous as we haven't been given many details and I don't know how large a stage we may be placed upon so pray for us!

Well, I'm out can finish the rest.

Monday, 5 October 2009

The Man Behind the Stripes

The past few days have been rather rough for me as I found out Saturday afternoon that my friend and officiating partner for the last two years passed away on Wednesday. I saw him just a week before I left for England and upon hearing the news I am feeling a real void in my life. He seemed to be doing well as I was busy replying to an e-mail he sent me just last Sunday.
I have never met someone who loved life more than he. His laugh was in one word: contagious. He became so animated and loud when he laughed that you couldn't help but feel good inside as you watched literal 'happiness' emanate from his body. For me, he made officiating at Westridge something to look forward to, and for those of you that don't know, that was almost impossible to do.
What I respected the most about him was his strive to do the right thing despite how trivial others may view it. And I think what I will miss most about him is the respect he had for me. He always told me that he had my back in every decision I made on or off the ice and he would never defame me. I couldn't ask for a better partner, much less friend.
He came to me on countless occasions to discuss everything from the game of hockey to the game of life. But what I find more amazing is that I sought to model my actions and intentions after this man as he exuded a demeanor that was righteous.
I just pray that as his family and friends mourn the loss of this precious individual, you all would please keep me and everyone that knew him in your prayers. May we all find solace in the passing of my dear friend and partner, Tony.

Later man.