Saturday 20 March 2010

Spring School

I have always struggled to make decisions in my life. It seems like I remain undecided if I don't have a time restraint and it isn't until there is one that I finally decide. It began with where to go to college and continued in what I should major in and has now progressed to where to go for spring school. As you know, Michael and I applied and were accepted to Tauernhof for spring school. In an effort to prevent my inclination to avoid change I made sure we applied in the second week we came to Capernwray, but as the months have progressed Michael and I have had a change of heart in our location for spring school. We will no longer be attending Tauernhof for spring school but will instead remain at Capernwray. I am very confident in our decision and feel a real peace about it as I feared for so many months leading up to the decision actually making the wrong decision. As time went on I realized that neither decision would be detrimental to our growth. Michael and I both highly value the biblical teaching we are receiving from Rob Whittaker and for several other reasons did not see Tauernhof as the right place for us. So Capernwray it is!

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